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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Google is launching new social network Soon

Google Buzz :

Google Buzz is a social network and sharing product built by Google. Based within Google Profiles, Buzz offers a stream of status updates, pictures, links, and videos from your friends. You can “like” these items and you can comment on them. Updates from Flickr, Picasa, Google Reader, or Twitter can also be automatically imported into a Buzz stream. Buzz will recommend items you might like based on your friends’ activity.

Buzz Online
  • Auto-following: Buzz allows users can auto-follow the people you email and chat with the most
  • Rich, fast sharing experience: Buzz uses Gmail UI and keyboard shortcuts easing the transition for some users. Buzz also focuses on sharing media (video, images, etc)
  • Public and private sharing: Buzz includes both public and private sharing. Some things Google can index, but also private messages
  • Inbox integration: Buzz integrates with a users inbox to keep it the center for communication
  • Noise Filters: Buzz filters noise to keep users from being flooded with too much information
  • Public things are published to a user’s followers and Google Profile.
  • Buzz objects are conversations and appear in a user’s inbox.
  • Comments on Buzz objects arrive in realtime.
  • Autocomplete @ replies.
  • Recommended Buzz – suggests friends of friends and others as people to follow, and tells the user why they were suggested.
Buzz Mobile:
  • Detect location using GPS & WiFi triangulation technology.
  • Suggest places the user might be at.
  • Voice input available.
  • Mobile web app that works on Android or the iPhone.
Buzz Maps Layer:
3rd Party Integration:

Fore more info watch out the features in this video