What Does Science Say About Bluetooth Radiation
The science is a little bit all over the place on Bluetooth radiation, as it is on the cell phone issue, again because of the amount of money that the cellphone industry spends to protect its interests. Various studies support (American Cancer Society 2008, Martinez & Burdalow 2009) the view that Bluetooth headsets when used in conjunction with cellphones decrease the overall levels of SAR exposure to the head.Whereas other studies show a diversity of hazards from cell phone use, as well peripheral devices such as Bluetooth headsets. Their high-frequency electromagnetic fields can lead to a significant increase in blood pressure and affect biological processes in the body just the same as cell phones. Just two hours of exposure to high-frequency EMFs from a cell phone or Bluetooth headset, can cause irreparable DNA damage.
The frequency power of wireless headsets is the same as that of microwave ovens, which also operate at 2.4 GHz, though admittedly microwave ovens use much higher power levels. However Bluetooth headsets are dangerous because they are held within centimeters of the brain and they are used in conjunction with a cell phone. So you’re getting double exposure.