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Monday, 5 September 2011

Play Video Games To Improve Your Lazy Eye

Scientists have proved that playing video games in teen age as well as adult age can improve the vision of your eye.
Most of the persons having Amplyobia  ( is the loss of one eye's ability to see details. It is the most common cause of vision problems in children ) and lazy eye have been marked with improved Color perception & 3-D depth etc by playing various featured video games.

The researchers founded the good results in people having the Amplyobia by playing video games that are having some a huge amount of visual details. You can play games like "Medal Of Honour " , "IGI" , "Counter Strike" and much more.Both action and non-action games yielded a 30 percent increase in visual acuity, or an average improvement of 1.5 lines on the standard letter chart used by optometrists.
Anisometropic volunteers also saw a 50 percent improvement in 3-D depth perception after 40 hours of playing video games.

These new results join recent findings that suggest video games can also help sharpen the mind when it comes making quick and accurate decisions. The researchers will now compare video game therapy with the use of patches for treating amblyopia in a randomized clinical trial with children and adults.

So in your leisure time try to play most of the video games to sharpen your mind and your eyes :)